This update adds a few areas, NPCs, conversations, and custom content. Some systems and scripts are also updated.
- Content
- Areas:
- Added custom loadscreen model for fullscreen 1080 images.
- Added: ‘Traders’ Way: Delzimmer Campsite’ (lobby) and made it the landing area.
- Added: ‘Delzimmer: West Gate’, ‘Delzimmer: Market District’, ‘Delzimmer: Wide Way Inn’ – Not detailed yet.
- NPCs
- Caravan Master Talensil to ‘Traders’ Way: Delzimmer Campsite’
- Conversations
- Added Deity selections conversations.
- Custom Content
- Haks
- Added to ShiningSouth1.hak
- loadscreens.2da
- racialtypes.2da
- load_screen.gui
- pnl_loadscreen.mdl
- load screen tga files
- placeables.2da
- plc_frd_lamp.mdl, plc_frd_lamp.pwk, and plc_frd_lamp.tga for lamppost placeable.
- updated placeables.2da line 1100 for plc_frd_lamp.
- Added ‘True Vision & Light Version 2.0 [PnP] [HCR]’ Included:
- progfx.2da
- textures and models
- .uti files: candle, lantern, lamp, nw_it_torch001
- Updated x0_s0_clight and nw_s0_light spells to change light color.
- Removed all entries from loadscreens.2da except for shining south files.
- Updated models nw2sign*.mdl to use a different text for the posts, old texture was bad/corrupt in CEP.
- Added vrdntwldrnss_a.hak to update the appearances of some tilesets.
- Removed cep2_add_loads.hak
- 2da files
- Updated loadscreens.2da
- Updated racialtypes.2da
- Updated cls_feat_*.2da – Removed crafting, horse, and devastating crit feats
- Other
- replaced the CEP tlk file with shiningsouth.tlk
- added race descriptions to tlk.
- Added to ShiningSouth1.hak
- Haks
- Systems
- New PC Setup
- Moved Atlas to conversation.
- Added the selection of a deity to the process via a conversation.
- Lighting System
- Added lighting system. This turns on and off placeables and their light sources at dusk/night and dawn/day.
- Races
- Removed Wemic and Brownie from racialtypes.2da
- Added new races(subraces) to racialtypes.2da and shiningsouth.tlk
- Deities:
- Added conversations for deity selection. They are based on race and alignment. The conversation/selection process must be completed before the PC can leave the lobby. The conversation is called from either the exit transition or at the end of Caravan Master Talensi’s dialog.
- New PC Setup
- Scripts
- New Scripts
- Added ss_mod_pc_chat to the module OnPlayerChat event. Placeholder for now.
- Added OnActivateItem script.
- Updated Scripts(custom)
- Added setting X3_NO_HORSES to all areas in ‘ss_mod_load’
- Updated Scripts(default)
- x0_s0_clight: changed duration type.
- x3_s3_palmount: added return; at top to cancel the ability to summon a horse.
- x3_g0_transition and nw_g0_transition: added return; at the top to prevent them from running and creating the creature skin on PCs.
- New Scripts
- Spells
- Updated ‘Continual Flame’ to have a timed duration instead of being permanent.
- Areas: