This update includes new Areas, NPCs, Quests and Systems updates.
- Content
- Areas
- Added New Ammathtar Exchange. Now there is a place to sell stuff.
- Updated the New Ammathtar Cemetery. There are a few bad tiles that were causing crashes.
- Updated Level 2 of the New Ammathtar Crypts.
- NPCs
- Added Named and rare spawns to the crypts with special loot tables.
- Quests
- Quest NA_1 is complete and (mostly) tested. (Needs dialog tweaks)
- Quest NA_2 is complete and (mostly) tested. (Needs dialog tweaks)
- Custom Content
- Haks
- Added two loadscreen files.
- 2da files
- Updated loadscreens.2da to add new loadscreens.
- Haks
- Areas
- Systems
- Quest System
- Added getting a Key as a reward.
- Added killing a creature updates quests.
- XP System
- Added Gold loot, Key loot and Quest Updating to the XP cycle so there only needs to be one loop through all the PCs in a group.
- Spawn System
- Added creatures quest and Key information being updated/cached during spawn.
- Loot System
- Gold is now placed in the PCs inventory and is split among PCs in a group automatically.
- Added getting a Key as a loot item.
- Keyring System
- Keyring added. Caretaker Denar will give it to you when starting his second quest.
- Conversations
- Updated Caretaker Denar’s conversation. Adding some info about the cemetery.
- Quest System
- Scripts
- Updated Scripts(custom)
- Added debugging flag to more easily turn on/off debugging for a particular system.
- Updated include files: quest, spawn, XP, loot.
- Updated Scripts(custom)
- Items
- General
- Added special loot to the named creatures in the New Ammathtar Crypts.
- General