This update adds 8 new areas, creatures updates, adds tilesets, and updates some Systems.
- Content
- Areas
- Added New Ammathtar: Market Square Sewers
- Added New Ammathtar: Old Gate Sewers
- Added New Ammathtar: Maidens Gate Sewers
- Added New Ammathtar: Traders Gate Sewers
- Added New Ammathtar: Ruins Gate Sewers
- Added New Ammathtar: Tomb
- Added New Ammathtar: caves01 (yet to be named)
- Added New Ammathtar: caves02 (yet to be named)
- Creatures
- Creatures can now summon specific undead if they have the spells available. The summoned creature is set as a variable from the DB.
- Added the option to have creatures not aggro on PCs under defined conditioned. These include if the PC is high level, serves a certain deity, etc.
- Added creature scaling. This is just visual, to provide some variety to the look of things.
- Custom Content
- Haks
- Added Natural Caves tileset by Helvene
- Added Q reskins for tilesets
- Crypt tdc01
- Dungeon tde01
- Dwarven Halls tcdh01
- City Interior tin01
- Desert ttd01
- 2da files
- feat.2da: changed tlk reference for Luck of Heroes.
- Updated descriptions for Gold and Shield Dwarves to include Weapon Proficiency(Dwarven Waraxe).
- Added Description for Luck of Heroes feat.
- Haks
- Areas
- Database
- Rewrote the way areas, items, and creatures are written to the DB. They all now do it the same way.
- Systems
- Server-wide events:
- OnModuleLoad
- Added a check to see if areas, items, and creatures are to be added/updated to the DB.
- Added counters for the number of instructions OnModuleLoad uses and how long it takes.
- OnModuleLoad
- Spawn System
- Added ability to have creatures scaled when spawned. This can be a no scaling, fixed percentage, or a random percentage.
- Death System
- Added a reducer to the penalty for dying. The longer a PC is in the Fugue Plane the less penalty they have, up to a point.
- Rest System
- Updated the way the system checks for resting to be allowed. Resting requires a ‘rest object’ to initiate. These are scattered around the world and each have their own cool down time. These times are tuned by area, content, etc.
- New PC Setup
- Updated ‘lobby’ process for new PCs.
- Lighting System
- Added ‘Lightable’ torches, candles, lamps, etc. These will extinguish themselves based on area parameters. Default is 10 minutes.
- Communication/Console
- Updated the PC Information Tool(feat). It is placed on the Quick Bars as F12 for new characters.
- Server-wide events:
- Scripts
- New Scripts
- ss_lightable_use – Lights object, turning on animation, lights.
- ss_lightbale_hb – HB script for lightable objects. Turns off the lightable.
- Updated Scripts(custom)
- ss_rest_object – updated the rest system
- ss_mod_rest – updated the rest system
- New Scripts