Updated Areas, NPCs, Creatures, Quests, and Systems.
- Content
- Areas
- Updated tileset for the sewers, adding doors to 2 tiles.
- Updated lighting in the sewers and crypts in New Ammathtar
- NPCs
- Added information about the city to the bartender in Nomads Rest.
- Creatures
- Created a custom creatures creaturepal.itp to improve toolset use.
- Updated all creatures in the sewers and the crypts. Moved them all up a level.
- Quests
- Added quests for the sewers.
- Custom Content
- Haks
- Updated tdx01.set to add 2 doors to it.
- Haks
- Areas
- Systems
- Quest System
- Added ‘multikill’ type quests. This is for quest the require you to kill multiple creatures to complete.
- Expanded the possible number of ‘steps’ in a quest up to 17.
- Added tracking of total XP gained through quests.
- Added discovering Landmarks to quest possibilities.
- Spawn System
- Added option to have day or night spawn points. Default are day, night can be added individually.
- Added disabling of the HB scripts for controllers when an area is not active.
- Atlas System
- Added Landmarks to the Atlas system.
- Lighting System
- Added lightable torches. These are self-contained and not directly part of the automatic system.
- Communication/Console
- Added structure for emotes and commands using the chat box. It accepts -, !, or @ as command characters. Example -help or !help, or @help.
- Quest System
- Scripts
- Updated Scripts(custom)
- Update all versions of scripts used on creatures.
- – Updated OnSpawn script for creatures. Creatures can now have an alternative spawn location at night/dusk.
- – Updated HeartBeat script for creatures. Creatures will now return to their spawn point periodically if they are wandering around and will check if they are supposed to be at a different location at night.
- Updated Scripts(custom)